Hard-work you need to do everywhere | Article on importance of hard-work
Pollution: A major concern | Types & Measures | Article
Etiquette: Your personal representatives | Their Importance | Article
Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development
Write an article on internet | Internet Addiction? | The Worse and Ugly parts
Corruption meaning | The Ugly and Worse parts | Essay
One's own wealth: His Knowledge | Knowledge is Power | Essay
Key People in a Society: Its Youth | Their Contribution | Essay
Small hands when given the responsibility to earn money results in child labour | Essay
Missile Man of India | Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam | Struggles and Gains | Article
Less Entertainment? Here are some of the modern means of entertainment
Making India Digital | Digital India essay | 1000 words
 A Healthy man is a Wealthy man | What would you choose Health or Wealth | Article