Pollution: A major concern | Types & Measures | Article

Pollution: A major concern | Types& Measures 

Pollution: A major concern | Types& Measures | Article


    In this age of science, where humans have gotten some boons, there are some curses. Pollution could be a curse that's born out of the womb of science and which most of the people are forced in grips.

    Meaning of pollution: 

    Pollution means - Defect in natural balance. Neither pure air, nor pure water, nor pure food, nor peaceful atmosphere.

    There are many varieties of pollution, out of which air pollution is most significant followed by water pollution.

    Air Pollution: 

    This pollution is more spread in metros. round the clock, the smoke of factories, the black smoke of motorized vehicles has spread in such the simplest way that inhaling healthy air has become difficult. When the ladies of Mumbai move to remove the washed clothes from the roof, they get dark black particles frozen on them. These particles get into the lungs of humans with breath and provide rise to incurable diseases! This problem is more where there's a dense population, lack of trees and also the environment is tight.

    Water Pollution: 

    The contaminated water of factories, combined with the rivers and streams, causes severe pollution. At the time of the flood, the foul water of the factories mixes all told the sewers. Many diseases arise thanks to this.

    Noise pollution: 

    Humans need a quiet environment to measure in. But nowadays the noise of the factories, the noise of traffic, the shouting of motorized vehicles, the parodic sound of loudspeakers have led to deafness and stress.

    Consequences of Pollutions:

    Due to the above-mentioned pollution, the healthy life of a person is threatened. the person has longed for an extended breath within the out-of-doors. thanks to the dirty water, many diseases get into the crops which reach the organic structure and cause deadly diseases. Thousands of individuals died thanks to the gas received from the Bhopal gas factory, what percentage were crippled. thanks to environmental pollution, neither rain comes on time, nor does the cycle of winter-summer run properly. Pollution is additionally the reason for natural outbreaks like drought, floods, hailstones, etc.

    Causes of pollution: 

    Factories, excessive use of scientific instruments, fridges, coolers, air-con, power plants etc. are guilty in increasing pollution. The deterioration of the natural balance is additionally the most reasonable. Blind-cutting of trees has spoiled the cycle of weather. Pollution has increased thanks to the shortage of greenery in densely populated areas.

    Measures to improve: 

    To avoid various varieties of pollution, more trees should be planted, the quantity of greenery should be more. There should be dense trees along the roads. Populated areas should be open, airy, covered with greenery. Factories should be kept far from the population and think about ways to destroy polluted sewage from them.


    Pollution could be a major concern, thanks to which the entire world is striving to accommodate it. it's all right known that the consequences of pollution don't seem to be single-minded, its effects are for all. that's why we must contribute to the enlightened thinkers so we are able to ensure a higher life for us,  to others and most significantly to our future generations.

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