Key People in a Society: Its Youth | Their Contribution | Essay

Key People in a Society: Its Youth | Their Contribution | Essay

Key People in a Society: Its Youth | Their Contribution | Essay

    Preface :

    Nation-building refers to the process of building social unity, political stability and economic prosperity in a comprehensive and democratic manner to all citizens of a country. Nation-building is possible only when all citizens are involved in the development of the nation. It is the youth of a country that plays the most important role in nation-building.
    National Development:

    Nation-building includes social harmony, development of infrastructure and economic growth of the nation. Participation of youth in a growing economy is essential for national development. Youth is the greatest power of the country, therefore significant efforts should be instituted to enable them to help and contribute adequately to the sustainable development of the nation. National development will improve the lives of citizens with a growing economy.

    Role of government in nation-building:

    The government should empower the youth by involving them in the decision making process. The participation of youth in the growing economy will promote the spirit of patriotism and encourage them to become responsible citizens of the nation. It will also increase their interest in the progress of their nation which will lead to national development. It is important for building our future by providing other means for the development and education of our youth.

    Education helps in building the right foundation for a person and empowers him to make independent choices and pursue his dreams. The youth will have to provide employment opportunities to harness their energy and skills for their personal development and economic development of the nation which will ultimately promote the overall progress and development of the nation. It is important to involve youth to participants and respected leaders to use their power. The government should formulate policies to encourage and encourage the youth in important activities of the nation.

    Power of yoga:

    Youth is full of ideas and have an infinite source of energy to put their ideas into practice. He has a strong opinion and is not afraid to give him a voice. To date Yoga with current events and the latest technology has opened new horizons for all. Therefore, they are very suitable for various jobs.

    Today the youth are ready to take risks, face challenges and work hard to achieve their goals. They believe in themselves and their abilities to turn their passion into a profession which makes them more successful.

    The youth want the nation to be a better place. They can criticize the system of the nation and at the same time stand up to change in the direction of making the society a better place. They are strong enough to fight for their own rights and for the rights of others. They are never afraid to support the right and raise their voice against the wrong.

    They can fight against social evils - be it corruption, inequality or terrorism. They use social media and other platforms to raise voice against issues such as gender inequality, sexual harassment, religious issues etc. They do not blindly accept assumptions that are inappropriate or inhuman.

    The youth of our country are open to experimentation and have prospered and shone nationally and internationally in dance, music, photography, blogging, modelling, acting, writing and various other fields. They are smart, funny, intelligent, pioneer and socially active animals that can bring great change. They are passionate about what they do, which is important for progress.

    Today, youth are making a splash on social media as influences in fashion, photography and whatnot. They are bringing positive changes in society. They make sure they are seen and heard. They are full of spark and courage to explore everything. They know what they are capable of and how to use their potential in the right direction.


    Youth are bringing change with changing times which is leading our nation to progress. However, they should find motivation and support to give them their full potential and energy.

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