Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development | Article 

Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development | Article


    Environmental protection means protecting, protecting, managing the environment and its inhabitants and improving its conditions. The main goal of sustainable development is to conserve the environment and resources for future generations and to use it in such a way that even after our use it can be saved for future generations. Therefore, to achieve this goal of sustainable development, it is very important that we strive for environmental protection.

    Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

    There are two ways of protecting the environment - protecting natural resources or living in such a way that there is least harm to the environment. Environment refers to air, water and land and its interrelation with humans. If we say in a broader aspect, it includes trees, soil, fossil fuels, minerals etc. Trees reduce the occurrence of soil erosion from floods and rains, along with many others, the air is also cleaned.

    The use of water is necessary not only by humans, but also for the survival of living beings such as agriculture, plants and animals, and for the protection of production in various fields. Soil is required for all living creatures as well as agricultural production. Therefore, there is a need to conserve trees, soil and every source of water. These three elements play an important role in the existence of living beings. If these resources continue to be polluted like this, they will not only harm us but will also become a major crisis for our future generations.

    Environmental protection is not just the conservation of natural resources. It also means conserving energy resources such as solar and wind energy. These two types of renewable energy will help us protect non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels and gas. If all types of non-renewable energy are replaced by renewable energy sources, it will prove to be very positive for the Earth's environment. Because non-renewable energy sources take a long time to be restored, this is why we must use renewable energy sources.

    Apart from environmental protection, efforts should also be made to replenish the resources being used. For this, afforestation and using biologically made cow dung etc. are some such good measures. By which we can try to replenish natural sources. These measures will definitely help us in maintaining balance in the environment.

    Apart from this, many more important steps should be taken to reduce the pollution of the environment. Under which electric and hybrid vehicles should be used instead of oil and gas-powered vehicles. Similarly, measures like cycling, vehicle sharing or walking can be adopted to reduce carbon emissions. Apart from this, organic farming is another option of this positive initiative, by which the quality of soil and food products can be maintained and the harm to the environment and our health can be reduced due to chemical farming.

    Quitting smoking and stopping the use of chemical products will not only be beneficial for our health but will also have positive effects on the environment. We can also contribute significantly in water conservation by a person turning off tap water or collecting rainwater, used in different works like washing clothes or utensils. If water electronic products are not in use, we can save energy by stopping their use and using energy-saving electronic products. Apart from this, as a person, we can make a positive contribution to environmental protection by reusing and reusing items and using old items and not using plastic products.


    Sustainable development can only be achieved by preserving the environment. This will not only reduce the damage to our environment, but it will also ensure the availability of natural resources for our future generations.

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