One's own wealth: His Knowledge | Knowledge is Power | Essay

One's own wealth: His Knowledge | Knowledge is Power | Essay

One's own wealth: His Knowledge | Knowledge is Power | Essay

    Knowledge is power, the most famous and true saying said by a famous personality named Francis Bacon. Knowledge helps distinguish between humans and animals. Man has the mind and ability to harness the power of knowledge, so man is called by nature the most powerful and intelligent creature on earth.

    Knowledge helps to improve the personality of man; It builds confidence and brings a lot of patience to do the toughest tasks in life. We can call knowledge a deity because it gives way to all discoveries, inventions and discoveries.

    Benefit from knowledge is not limited to anything; It can be obtained by anyone of any age. Acquiring knowledge is a long process of dedication, patience and continuity. It is like unlimited wealth that can never be exhausted, although a person's level of knowledge increases with distribution among the needy.

    A person can gain some new knowledge through regular observation and experimentation. Each person is born with the same quality, mind and power, although different quality of thinking, mind and power develop as he grows; All differences are due to the knowledge level of every person. For example, Newton discovered the theory of gravity and there are many other famous scientists who have discovered the amazing things in life that are involved in making life on Earth easy and advance. All have become possible due to the power of knowledge.

    All of the modern technologies personally discovered in many countries have made countries so powerful economically and militarily compared to other countries, all based on knowledge. The underlying secret of every success is the power of knowledge that ultimately gives a person name, fame and money.

    India has also done a lot in the fields of science, research, medicine, education, etc.; Still, there is continuous development in various fields to become a powerful country based on knowledge. The progress of human or any country depends entirely on the growth of knowledge in various fields in a positive and constructive manner. The use of knowledge in destructive and negative ways can greatly disturb the existence of life on earth.

    Francis Bacon has said that knowledge is a power, which has the ability to change everything. Knowledge gives a way to handle the situation, plan, implement the plan, and make impossible things possible. If one has complete knowledge, he is the luckiest and richest person in the world because knowledge can never be stolen or robbed and is not diminished even when given to others. In fact, knowledge is power and we can say that the strongest power in the world is knowledge.

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