Small hands when given the responsibility to earn money results in child labour | Essay

Small hands when given the responsibility to earn money results in child labour | Child Labour in India | Essay

Small hands when given the responsibility to earn money results in child labour | Essay


    Child labour is the most dreadful day of the childhood of a child. The misfortune of our country is that even today, like a spider web, child labour is holding small children in its net and we are all sitting hand in hand.

    Child labour is a poison in a day that is sold for a few rupees, this poison gradually destroys the child's childhood, along with it the end of the nation's newly created future.

    In our India, children are considered as Gods, but from them, their childhood is taken away and family responsibilities are handed over to them. All the children have the mind to play with toys and get an education in childhood, but what to do, greed and family responsibilities come to the fore.

    What is child labour?

    According to the 24th Article of the Constitution of India, the work of children below 14 years of age as labourers, in factories, hotels, domestic servants, etc., are covered under child labour, if any person is found to be doing so There is a provision for appropriate punishment.

    But coming out of the book world, we get to see children doing child labour at every turn. The reality is that people do not even care about the law, that is why child labour is increasing day by day.

    According to the latest report of 2017, more than 35 million children in India do child labour, the highest child labour rate is in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan.

    Reasons for Child Labour

    (1) Lack of education - 

    The main reason for child labour is lack of education because until people are not educated, they will continue to believe that nothing is more than money, that is why those people from their childhood They put themselves into wage work.

    (2) Poverty -

    Poverty is a very big problem for our country, due to which many problems arise. Child labour is also a problem caused by poverty because people of poor families do not maintain their families properly. This is why they also push their children into wage work

    (3) Orphans - 

    In our country even today many people either leave their children or their parents die due to which they also become orphans and they come in contact with people who are By luring them with food, they get them working in factories, hotels, throughout the day and keep their earnings too.

    (4) Greedy people - 

    Today in 21st century India, some parents and guardians are so greedy for money that they even put their children in the work of wages for money.

    (5) Family Compulsions - 

    Sometimes children have family compulsions too because some accidents happen due to which there is no one to earn a living in their family, so they were forced to take care of hotels, tea shops, factories tomorrow. I have to go to work.

    (6) Population growth - 

    The population growth rate in India is increasing very fast due to which the value of essential commodities is increasing day by day due to which poor people are unable to maintain their family, so they can keep all their families members to do work for wages in which the children are also involved, so the children have to work hard even if they do not want to.

    (7) Corruption - 

    One of the reasons for child labour is corruption, only then their owners at big hotels and factories put their children on wages without fearing that they know that if caught, we will get bribed. That is why corruption plays an important role in child labour.

    (8) Unemployment - 

    Unemployment is a big problem in India, due to which many poor people are unable to meet the living necessities of their family even they are forced to put their children in wage work. They think that if a little too much If the money comes in the house, then he will be able to eat time.

    (9) Lack of proper rules law - 

    Government of India has enacted laws to stop child labour, but there are many flaws in those laws, by taking advantage of this, people do child labour and sometimes even follow the rule of law. Is not done.

    Downsides of Child labour -

    (1) Childhood is ruined - 

    The best moment of life is childhood, when we are children, I am not worried about anything, we play with toys and everybody loves us and we can read whatever we want. 
    But the children who are put into child labour work, they never play and are not able to do the work they want. Due to which his entire childhood is spent working.

    (2) Malnutrition - 

    Children who are child labourers often become malnourished because their owners make them work more but do not give them anything to eat due to which their body lacks energy even more slowly. Slowly they become victims of malnutrition.

    (3) Physical abuse - 

    Many children and girls are also physically abused while doing child labour which is a double hit on them. According to a report, about 40% of child labourers are physically abused. This is a serious matter, but it is never taken care of, some children also die during physical abuse.

    (4) Mental harassment - 

    Mistakes are often made by children while doing labour, mistakes are made by older people too, but it is easy for children to get bogged, so their bosses who work for them give them mental torture.
    They are called by using various types of abusive language which affects the brain of a small child. Due to this, they become very large and when they grow up, they indulge in wrong deeds.

    (5) Increasing poverty - 

    Children's parents give their children for a few rupees in their childhood, but they do not know that if they will read and write, they will not get a job and they will get their whole life. You have to pay wages, due to which your whole life will be spent in poverty, that is why in India it is increasing day by day.

    (6) Lack of economic development of the country - 

    Most of the children of poor families are unable to read and write, that is why they are not able to do a good job and are not able to support the development of the country, so the country's economic development also slows down.

    (7) A decrease in social development - 

    Where the children are provided with wages, people use abusive language as well as their living is not good, due to which the children also live with them and due to their language they become same as their employer. As they start living, their mental condition also becomes weak due to which a good society cannot develop.

    Child labour prevention measures

    (1) Awareness - 

    If child labour is to be stopped, then we have to make people aware because until this awareness comes in people, children should not get wages and whatever children are doing wages. People should complain against their owners, people do not know that the little, "motu" they are lovingly calling is actually a victim of child labour. So until such time as people are not aware, such children will continue to work as laborers.

    (2) Proper education system - 

    The education system of our country is still not improving due to which children of rural areas and separated areas are still unable to read and write, due to which they fall victim to child labour in their childhood. Education should be made available at all places and free education will have to be arranged for young children.

    (3) Proper law and order - 

    Due to poor law and order situation in our country, people take advantage of it and carry out acts like child labour. We have to strengthen our law and order and only then we will be able to deal with the terrible problems like child labour.

    (4) Prevention of Corruption - 

    Due to corruption, the criminals who do child labour are easily released or they are not arrested, due to which young children have to pay wages, so we should curb corruption.

    (5) Need for good and generous people - 

    There are many good people in our society but we need more good people who can afford the education of at least one poor child because unless we are the responsibility of our society Until then, nothing can happen because the government alone cannot do everything, so we should go ahead and help in writing the education of poor children.

    Work is done by the government to stop child labour 

    (1) The Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986: 

    Child Labor Act has been enacted in 1986 by our government to eliminate child labour from which under the age of 14 years it will be considered a punishable offence.

    (2) The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) of Children Act of 2000: 

    Under this law, if a person provides wages to children or compels them to do so, then there will be no penalty for action.

    (3) The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009: 

    This law was enacted in the year 2009 under which free education will be provided to children between the age of 6 to 14 years as well as poor and disabled children in private schools. 25% seats will be reserved for


    Child labour has become a curse for our India and our society, if it is not abolished soon, it will be an impediment to the progress of our country. The children who should be studying, innovating, and playing when are placed with heavy burden of supporting their family will spoil their as well as the country's future.

    Therefore, we should raise our voice against child labour today and wherever we find a child doing child labour, we should complain about it at the nearest police station.

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