Information Technology Advantages | Definition | Essay
What is Information Technology? | Information Technology Definition
Information Technology (IT) is an area under which computer or other physical devices (hardware, software) are used to create, process, secure and exchange electronic data. Under the simple definition, under Information Technology (IT), we study and use systems like computer and telecommunication for storage, retrieval and exchange of information.
Everything related to computing technology refers to information technology. This means, the work is done by the computer and related things like the Internet, Networking, Data management etc. are all a part of IT. An IT system is also commonly known as an information system (communication system) or computer system.
Today's era is the age of computers and information technology is the basis of information systems through computers, under which data and information storage is done. Information technology is very beneficial for information exchange and their execution. It has become the largest industry today. Electronic communication is also considered an important part of information technology. Along with the invention of various software, information technology has also improved and it collects data optimally.
Information technology has today connected the whole world through the internet, software and various hardware. It is the best technology for the progress of any country and also strengthens the economy of the country. Information is provided to the people through information technology and from that only the poor person is aware and can know about the amenities available to him. Through information technology, there is transparency between the government and the people, which reduces corruption. The future of children in the field of information technology is very bright. This will provide fresh new employment opportunities in the coming time.
Information technology has also transformed the field of trade and commerce. Today all sectors like education, health, industry, business etc. are affected by information technology. Information technology originated from the US but India has played an important role in its development. India is at the forefront of designing software for information technology. Information technology protects our right to receive information. Today's era is also called the age of information and it is most important.
Computer and science have gained a lot of momentum now and this field creates a great future. Information technology is progressing rapidly in India, so young Indian women should look at information technology as a business because in future all the activities will be connected to them. We should take an interest in information technology and take full advantage of it. It is an emerging sector in the form of industry that we have to take to the height of progress. We should also use information technology smoothly so that information remains secure.
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