Etiquette: Your personal representatives | Their Importance | Article

Etiquette: Your personal representatives | Their Importance | Article

Etiquette: Your personal representatives | Their Importance | Article


    People with a polite and pleasant nature are always popular and respected by a large number of people. Apparently, such people are exerting magnetic effects on others. Thus, we should always practice good behaviour in our life.

    Good manners always give a chance for a new conversation with people and this paves the way for us later. If someone talks to you badly, still do not talk to him the same way. Always talk to him in your positive way to give him a chance to change.

    Office Etiquette

    Office etiquette can help change a company's culture and even differentiate between commercial success and business failure.

    1) Minimize noise in an office

    Out of necessity, such as talking on the phone and talking with colleagues, noise in an office should be kept low.

    2) Reply to the colleague's messages as a colleague

    When receiving emails, voice messages, text and other types of correspondence from colleagues, they should reply in a timely manner rather than waiting.

    3) Show respect to colleagues

    Respectful, sociable behaviour is the core of effective company culture when working in an open office environment. Respect colleagues the same way we expect ourselves.

    4) Be courteous to others in the office

    Should talk politely to everyone. Many times, you may not like anything. Be patient, keep your point very politely later.

    5) Be enjoyable to others in the office

    Being pleasant and friendly to colleagues makes a company culture success and thus desirable to work with. It will thus help to retain and attract employees.

    6) Share your own interests with other colleagues

    Must show friendship with your fellow employees by being ready to share their own interests and hobbies.

    7) Share credit for good work

    If you have co-worked on a successful project or task, credit should be shared between colleagues and teams.

    8) Become a team player

    Working well with colleagues and being part of a team generates good willpower among our colleagues which is often mutual.

    9) Help new employees and trainees by showing them the rules

    We all get nervous about our first few days in a job. New employees should show respect for certain 'rules', such as breaks and lunches.


    Manners are the intrinsic qualities of a person, through which a good image can be built in the heart of all. Even if you are not physically beautiful, but your efficient mannerism can make you a favourite of all. Physical beauty is fleeting, but your practical beauty plays with life.

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