A Healthy man is a Wealthy man | What would you choose Health or Wealth | Article

A healthy man is a Wealthy man | What would you choose Health or Wealth | Article

 A Healthy man is a Wealthy man | What would you choose Health or Wealth | Article


As we all are living in loud, crowded and busy times. We have to do many tasks throughout the day to earn money. However, we forget that good health is as essential for our healthy life as water and air. We forget to take adequate food on time, exercise, get enough rest, etc. to earn false money. We should not forget that the real wealth in our life is our health. It is true for everyone that, "Health is wealth".


Good health reduces stress and promotes healthy life without any hassle. We should always be aware of our health and undergo regular health checkups. To maintain good health, we should have a balanced diet of fresh fruits, salads, green vegetables, milk, eggs, yoghurt etc. Some physical activities, adequate rest, hygiene, healthy environment, fresh air and water, personal hygiene etc. are also required for good health. Maintaining good health is a good habit to reduce congestion in front of hospitals. It is a good habit to maintain good health, which should be practised since childhood with the help of parents.

In earlier days, life was not so busy. Life was much simpler and free of many challenges with a healthier environment than these days. People were healthy because they used to do all the tasks of their daily life with their hands and body. But today, in the technological world, life has become busier due to competition, being very simple and comfortable. Nowadays, an easy life is not possible because everyone wants to earn more money to live a better life than others. Nowadays, life has become costly and difficult as well as unhealthy because, all things; For example, air, water, environment, food etc. have become contaminated, infected and polluted.

People have to sit in a chair for at least 9 to 10 hours in offices without any physical activity. They come home late in the evening or at night and are too tired to do any housework or exercise. Again the next morning he wakes up late and performs some essential tasks like brushing, bathing, snacks etc. and goes to his office. In this way, they live their daily routine only to earn money, not their own life. 


Earning money is very important for meeting the basic needs of your daily life. However, it is also necessary to live a healthy and peaceful life, which requires good health.

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