Making India Digital | Digital India essay | 1000 words

Making India Digital | Digital India essay| 1000 words

Making India Digital | Digital India essay | 1000 words


Digital India is a program run by the Government of India. The Digital India Project is launched by the Government of India as Digital Week on 1 July 2015 (from 1 July to 7 July). This project has been launched in the presence of big personalities like Anil Ambani, Azim Premji, Cyrus Mistry, in which it has been resolved that India should get IT education, and digital power by new ideas. Went to its plan and chaired by India and support by the Ministry of Technical Communication and Information Technology centre, this project gained momentum

Digital India will be the program that will transform the country into a digital power society and give India a new look. With the Digital India program, every information and record of the country is being kept in a neatly electronic twist which will bring ease of work as well as speed.

This is a very impressive plan for a new India for the better development and growth of the people of the country. Its goal is to give a digital expansion to India for good governance and more jobs. The main goal of Digital India has been to connect all government facilities electronically and to the Internet.

Three major functions of Digital India are:

(1) To make every citizen aware of the utility of Digital India.

(2) Governance and providing services on demand of citizen

(3) To provide digital power to every citizen

How Digital India will work?

Digital India will facilitate digitization of data which will help to make things faster and efficient in future, it will also save paperwork and time and human effort. Establish alliances in the government and private sector, digital laces in many big villages will also bring changes in areas and that too will be digitization. All the villages and cities of India will be technically connected with the main companies. The plan is to complete this project by 2021. In this, Ambani has invested 2.5 lakh crores with this service to reach remote rural areas with internet service. The Internet can improve citizen, this scheme will benefit everyone greatly.

Major schemes run by Digital India:

Digital India is running some schemes for the development of India in which it is a very talented form of the already prevalent e-Governance Plan which has been given the name of the new pillars which gives every citizen many Will provide digital facilities.

The column is

(1) BroadBand Highway

(2) Public Interest Access Program

(3) Mobile connectivity

(4) a revolution in the availability of internet

(5) e-governance

(6) All information

(7) IT for the job.

(8) Pre-harvest program

(9) Electronic Manufacturing

Everyone is aware of Digital India

Under Digital India, the government will give all its information to every citizen through the website and social media. Communication facility will also be provided so that everyone has information about digital India.

To make this scheme successful, first of all, the government took biometric data of people with the help of Aadhaar so that they can get their unique identity. After getting unique identification of all Indian people, all services like mobile number, PAN, bank account, life insurance, ration card, gas connection, driving license, Aadhaar card are being linked to Indian citizens.

After that, all the facilities are being provided to the people with the help of Aadhaar. Due to this, people are being identified properly and at the same time, those who have been doing corruption have reduced. Today you can buy a mobile SIM with the help of Aadhaar at home, apply your PAN and there are many services that are completed in a few minutes with the help of Online KYC and OTP for which people sometimes wait for months.

In today's time, almost all Indian banks have the facility of online banking and ATM, with the help of which people can transact all the money sitting at home. Now PAN is also being linked to Aadhaar, with the help of which no one will be able to steal income tax or scam and at the same time people can also pay TDS sitting at home.

Manufacturing many electronic devices

Under (Net Zero Imports) all types of electronic equipment will be manufactured indigenously including mobile_setup box,, VSAT, fab lace design, customer and medical electronics, smart energy meter, micro ATM, smart card, as the equipment will be manufactured in our country itself and there will be more focus on them their cost will be less.

Jobs by Digital India: 

The villagers will be imparted training as per the system of companies by linking the skill development program with it, which will help in employment.

Early Harvest Program: 

Under this, the government has made certain rules to further the Digital India program, which will be implemented across the country.


For the success of Digital India, the big companies of the country have spent a lot so far, they have spent 4.5 lakh crores in it, this will provide jobs to 18 lakh people. This is a very good plan of the Government of India. It is a unique identity of India. Digital India will connect in every area from village to city and will brighten the name of our country. Our country used to get help from other countries and now it will become a nation to provide help. There will be a different identity.

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