Short paragraph on "Air pollution and We" in 150 words

Short paragraph on "Air pollution and We" in 150 words

Air Pollution

The problem of pollution is engaging the attention of the sensible people in the developed as-well-as the developing countries. What do we mean by pollution?

It means contaminating the elements of air, water and earth. We are polluting the air that we breathe. The agents of air pollution are the chimney smokes and the fumes from cars and trucks. In winter, there is thick smoke all over the city. As a result the people do not get enough oxygen. They develop bronchial problems or breathing trouble. Delhi alone has a million vehicles which burn petrol or diesel. Then there are thermal power plants and factories which use coal. There is hardly and green cover left on the ridge. Trees have been felled and public parks have turned into slums. If measures to check air pollution are not taken immediately, that day is not far when we shall have to carry oxygen cylinders to keep us alive.  

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