Essay on yoga practice and stress-free life | 1200 words

Essay on yoga practice and stress-free life | 1200 words

Essay on yoga practice and stress-free life | 1200 words


    The present time is of competition. In the face of competition, human life seems to run from time to time like a high-speed train. Adopting this special lifestyle in life is also adversely affecting human health. Today, people of every income group suffer from sugar, high blood pressure and mental stress. The medicines which are being taken to avoid the ill effects of these diseases are also affecting other organs of human beings. The question of whether to eat medicine or not has also become an astonishing question in society.

    The existence of stress in present human life: Stress for human beings is from the responsibilities of every life. House expenses, education of children, payment of bank loan, if the children are eligible for marriage, then their marriage proposal, if the marriage is fixed then the management of the fund for it. If the workplace is mentioned, if the job is for the purpose-based goals, then the stress of achieving that goal. Human life has become like a toxic beverage due to stress, which is also necessary to drink and to feel bitterness after drinking.

    Stress effects on human life:

    Stress is having a very bad effect on human life. If we talk about health, then the main diseases prevailing in the present, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid, heart attack, etc. are the result of stress. A person becomes irritable due to stress and also comes quickly in anger. By changing the nature, where family members are suffering, people of the workplace and social contact also make a distance. Sometimes the result is that a person's tendency to remain solitary takes birth and also suffers from mental illnesses. Sometimes insomnia is also caused by stress due to which other diseases also surround the person. Overall, it would not be an exaggeration to say that stress is the main root of the decline of human life.

    Effect of medicines being taken to relieve stress: 

    The medicines being taken to relieve stress have an effect but in very small amounts. Conversely, it disturbs the nervous system. Many medicines have such a bad effect on the human kidney and digestive system that life becomes painful. These medicines start to make humans financially weak as well as physically inactive. Sometimes, unbalanced amounts of drugs and stress cause paralysis, which often makes a person dead.

    Importance of Yoga-practice in the present lifestyle: The safest and natural means to avoid this painful diagnosis is Yoga. Yoga is not an invention of the present age, it is a product of the Vedas which was introduced by Maharishi Patanjali to the people of India. Due to some activities of yoga, the diagnosis of many diseases of human beings is absorbed in yoga. In the last few years, Yoga has made its unique place in the lifestyle of people in India. Today morning people can be seen doing a bunch of people in the gardens around us.

    People have eradicated the stress of their lives to some extent through yoga and the concept of a healthy life is starting to come true. People have gained freedom from the daily intake of allopathic medicines by adopting certain yoga practices in life. Life has become stress-free and is becoming physically strong. Today, faith in yoga has become a very disciplinary topic all over the world. "Yoga is a disease" and "Yoga will be done" has become the mantra of life.

    Yoga practice and stress-free life:

    The only way to live a stress-free life is 'Yoga practice'. Just 30 minutes of morning and evening is enough for incredible change in your life. Today in every park you will find the attraction of people towards Yoga. Surya Namaskar, Bhramari Pranayam, Kapal-Bharati, Anulom-Antonym have brought a revolutionary change in the world in terms of the diagnosis, people are feeling youthful energy by reducing the level of hypertension, diabetes, obesity. Those who are under extreme stress, get up early in the morning and take a tour of nature, do light pranayama, get an opportunity to become self-aware of change in life soon. In the old age, the sage Maharishi used to awaken the horoscope of the brain by yoga and talk from one person to another, no matter how many kilometres he is sitting. In front of that system, today's information technology system and the Internet are also unsuccessful. Today there is ignorance about that system, but the use of Yoga for the diagnosis of a disease is at a high level.

    Today science has also started to believe that Yoga has brought miraculous changes in the society. In view of the important role of Yoga, International Yoga Day is celebrated all over the world on 21 June every year since 2014. Today's progressive human beings should give some time to Yoga to make their priceless body energetic and healthy. Yoga will improve the diseases present, bodybuilding and energy will also be made. According to the census available in the year of India, the percentage of youth is the highest, so if Yoga will be adopted in the life of the youth, the youth here will become more capable, healthy and energetic. The country will get powerful thinking and people will become financially strong. The expenditure on diseases will be useful in personal progress and country building.

    Importance of Yoga Education: 

    For adopting Yoga practice in life, it is necessary that children should be taught Yoga from student life itself because the effect of yoga will be done only if it is done in the right way. In India, the government should make Yoga education a compulsory subject to study in schools. Incomplete yoga knowledge will affect human health.

    Yoga in the year of India:

    Currently, many organizations are promoting Yoga of India, whose work is praiseworthy. There are also big yoga therapy centres operating in India, which are providing the diagnosis of complex to complex diseases through natural medicine. Many institutes are trying to do advance research in Yoga. Since Yoga is the gift of the entire world of India, more and more attention is required towards Yoga.


    Yoga is the best tool if one wants to make life free. There is still more research in this area. Yoga practice in itself is a compensator of godly devotion when attainment of God was possible in the ancient era, then a healthy life is a trivial thing. Right now people have misconceptions about this yoga practice, which is absolutely necessary to be diagnosed by proper education. Right now yoga is far from the reach of all people, local governments should make Yoga education free for public health to make Indians happy, bring awareness. Make society healthy. Because healthy brain resides in a healthy body. The floor is far away but not impossible in front of efforts.

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