Duties and Rights of Individuals | Article

Duties and Rights of Individuals | Article

Duties and Rights of Individuals | Article


    We are a social animal, we have many responsibilities to bring development, prosperity and peace in society and country. To fulfil our responsibilities, the Constitution of India has given us certain rights. Empowering citizens is very important for personal development and improvement of social life. The democracy system of the country is completely based on the freedom of the citizens of the country. The rights given by the constitution are called fundamental rights, which cannot be withdrawn from us in ordinary times. 

    Fundamental Rights of individuals

    Our Constitution gives us 6 fundamental rights:

    Right to freedom: It is a very important fundamental right, which enables people to express their ideas through speeches, by writing or by other means. According to this right, a person is free to speak out against criticism, criticism of government policies. He is free to do any business in any corner of the country.

    Right to freedom of religion: There are many states in the country where people of different religions live together. All of us are free to follow, practice, propagate and emulate any religion of our choice. No one has the right to interfere in one's religious faith.

    Right to Equality: Citizens living in India are equal and there is no discrimination and difference between rich and poor, high and low. A person of any religion, caste, tribe, place can achieve a high position in any office, he only holds the necessary qualifications and qualifications.

    Right to education and culture: Every child has the right to receive education and that child can get education up to any level in any institution.

    Right against exploitation: No one can force anyone to work against his / her will or from a child below 14 years of age, without any wages or salary.

    Right to constitutional remedies: This is the most important right. This right is called the soul of the constitution because it protects all the rights of the constitution. If in any case, one feels that his rights have been harmed, he can go to the court for justice.

    Duties to follow before the rights

    As we all know, rights and duties go hand in hand. Our authority is meaningless without duties, thus inspiring both. If we do not perform our duties to easily steer the country on the path of progress, then we have no right to reap the benefits of our fundamental rights. Our duties and responsibilities as citizens of the country are as follows:

    •   We should honour our national flag and national anthem.
    •   We should obey and respect the law of the country.
    •   We should enjoy our rights without interfering with the freedom of others.
    •   We should always be ready to protect our country when needed.
    •   We should respect and protect national heritage and public property (railways, post offices,         bridges,  roads, schools, universities, historic buildings, sites, forests, forests, etc.).
    •    We should pay our taxes (tax) correctly on time.


    So, this means that rights and duties go hand-in-hand. Before we can get our rights we must fulfil certain duties of the state. 

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