Man's worst enemy: His Anger | How to manage anger | Essay

Man's worst enemy: His Anger | How to manage anger | Essay

Man's worst enemy: His Anger | How to manage anger | Essay


    Everyone wishes that he is at peace, at peace. He also works diligently for this. This is happening exactly the way a person goes to a doctor taking medicine for his disease. The doctor also tells him some abstinence with medicine. If that person adopts abstinence with medication, he becomes healthy soon. But if you do not take care, medicine will not do its job. Similarly, everyone wants happiness and peace, but they cannot do what they have to sacrifice to get it when it is the most necessary.

    What Is Anger?

    Anger never allows peace and happiness in the house. Anger only hurts others, makes us hollow from inside as well. In anger, a human has done so many times that he has to repent for life.

    Why not try to avoid the loss or suffering of this anger, due to which unrest and tension increases and peace can never be achieved. Whenever anger comes, it descends on someone. Due to this, we feel sad for our loved ones, as well as the environment of the house also gets spoiled. If that sickness takes care of itself and raises the issue at the right time, then the weight of the matter will increase and laughter will come in place of despair in the house.

    How to cope with anger?

    We can bear everything but the suffering of our own. Like once a piece of gold asked with a piece of iron, the hammer beats you and me too, I am more fragile than you, but why do you scream so much when you get hurt. I do not do this. Then iron said you will not understand. The injury given to loved ones is unbearable. Hearing this, the piece of gold fell silent. Therefore, take care, go somewhere - inadvertently, we are not giving ourselves any injury, pain or pain! If yes, and all this is happening due to anger, then who would we like to leave, our anger or our loved ones? If you really want to keep anger away from you, then you will have to do it yourself. It is difficult to control anger, but not impossible.

    If we have to spend the rest of our life in peace and peace, then sit in solitude and think about how to control your anger, what methods should be adopted. Because who knows more than yourself? You will definitely find a solution to this. Similarly, we can also know about our errors and weaknesses. Often we get angry because of someone's mistake. Now just think, who is saying to forget? If someone has not made a mistake intentionally, what should be punished for someone, why should we be angry at what happened by mistake? In such a situation it is better to forgive. This will bring peace to our mind and on the other hand, the wrongdoer will be guilty of his mistake. Mistakes happen with every person.

    If a person stops doing something due to fear of mistakes then he can never be successful in life. If human beings stop doing basic things, then they become deities. Quality- The demerit is there in every person. If we look at the qualities without looking at the demerits, if we make small mistakes, then we will forgive ourselves and forgiveness has more effect than punishment. Admittedly, it is very difficult, but the status of forgiving has always been high. There is no person in the world who has never had any origin because man is an effigy of mistakes and we are also human beings, no gods. It is possible that the mistake that we are giving to someone today, the same mistake may be made from us tomorrow also. Therefore, there is nothing more than forgiveness.

    Are we very angry about small things? Do not destroy stains. Learn to control yourself by understanding time and situation. Right now, the habit of anger has become money, tomorrow it will become a habit to quit.

    If you can do this, then you get everything. If you are not able to do what is lost, then you are harming yourself. Do not know how many houses, how many families have been destroyed because of anger, because wisdom is destroyed in anger. Don't know ins. Don't do it. It does not know how many houses have been burnt, how many happiness has been burnt, now we should leave it. Do not do anything that can increase anyone's anger, we should not take illicit criticism of someone's weakness. Do not repeat the fry once. Help to make the environment peaceful. If you are a human, you should remain a human being, do not become an enemy, Crowd makes a human being.


    All people are hard hit by anger, but only some of them occupy a place higher to the others due to their anger management skills, are you among those some? Find yourself and you will see the world with a completely different perspective.

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