Yoga for Beginners | Benefits of Yoga | Article

Yoga for Beginners | Benefits of Yoga | Article

Yoga for Beginners | Benefits of Yoga | Article

Yoga has become very prevalent in our country. By doing yoga, we can overcome many diseases of our body. It not only cures diseases but also drives away depression, anxiety, depression, obesity, psychosis. Yoga has many benefits.

Every year 21 June is celebrated in the world as "World Yoga Day". In 2014, the United Nations had announced to celebrate "World Yoga Day". Yoga means "to bind" or "unity". It has become prevalent in many countries of the world.

It has become very popular in China, Japan, Tibet, Sri Lanka, as well as in America, Europe, Britain. Yoga is also mentioned in the Vedas. Many such idols have been found in the Indus Valley Civilization, in which pictures of yoga are made. Sage Patanjali is considered the founder of Yoga philosophy.

Seeing the benefits of yoga, it has been implemented in schools. Prime Minister of our country (India) Narendra Modi also supports Yoga. Every citizen should do this. Sitting in a park or an open area in the morning is a great benefit of doing yoga. This means yoga can be done anywhere so don't cry for yoga classes near me.

Yoga for Beginners | Benefits of Yoga | Article


 1) Mantra Yoga - The common meaning of Mantra is - 'Mannat triyate iti mantra'. This type of                yoga  is related to the mind. By doing this, the mind can be controlled.        Healthy     waves 
      generated  by the mind benefit us.

2) Hatha Yoga- It consists of 8 types of Yama, Niyam, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna,               Dhyana, Illusions.

3) Kundalini Yoga- When the seeker meditates on the Brahma all the time while walking, sitting,          sleeping and eating in the mind, it is called Kundalini Yoga.

4) Raja Yoga - A description of Raja Yoga is found in Ashtanga Yoga composed by Maharishi                Patanjali. Its purpose is to control the desires of the mind.


Sunrise and sunset are the best times for yoga. Yoga should be done only after taking a bath. It should always be taken on an empty stomach. It is good to do yoga by wearing cotton clothes. You should eat something after 30 minutes of doing yoga.

This should be done by learning the right way from a yoga guru or expert. One should always learn from a trained yoga guru. Spreads should be made by laying a carpet or a mat. Yoga should always be done in a quiet environment.

While doing this, breathing and exhalation should be done properly. Many people forcefully fold their body parts - arms, legs, thighs, waist, overcapacity. Do not force yourself at all. Yoga should not be hurried.

Some people do it quickly, they think that they will start benefiting in a few days. But it is not so. The benefit of yoga is only on regularization. Pranayama, analogous antonyms, Kapalabhati, Bhramari are the major postures of yoga.

Yoga for Beginners | Benefits of Yoga | Article


Cures many diseases

There are many benefits to doing yoga. It cures many diseases like asthma, blood pressure, digestive disorders, diabetes, arthritis. By this, the body's immunity also remains.
Loses weight

People can reduce their increased weight through yoga. Surya Namaskar and Kapalbhati, Pranayama can easily reduce one's weight by doing asanas for 20 minutes every day.
Relieves depression, anxiety and depression

In today's life, a lot of tension has increased in the lives of people. Many diseases such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes occur due to stress. Problems like depression, anxiety and depression can be easily overcome by yoga.
Increase in energy and agility agility

Through yoga, we can increase the energy of our body. Due to impure food, people no longer have the first strength, quickness and energy. Now, after 30-40 years, both men and women get some disease. People complain of fatigue and weakness at work. That is why people must do yoga.
Attain spiritual peace

By doing yoga we get spiritual peace. The mind is happy and happy.


Today we are following the culture of all western countries. The prevalence of foreign food such as burgers, pizzas, noodles, fried roast food, cold drinks, packet food has increased in our country. In addition, the trend of eating in restaurants outside has increased rapidly.

People are becoming more prone to diseases and obesity by eating more spicy and fried roast food. Now, many kinds of diseases have started happening to children in their youth. Our lifestyle is not regular at all.

There is no fixed time to eat and sleep. Because of this, today's youth are falling prey to some more diseases. On 21 June 2018, a new record was set by organizing "World Yoga Day" in Kota city, in which more than 1 lakh people did yoga together.

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