Leadership Training | Leadership Meaning | Article | 1300 words

Leadership Training | Leadership Meaning | Article | 1300 words

Leadership Training | Leadership Meaning | Article | 1300 words

Leadership Training is a quality that cannot be attained by another person but can be achieved by a person's self-determination. Leadership can best be called a personality of the highest calibre - be it ruling, thinking, imagination, innovation, warring, or religious affect.

Leadership is a quality hidden in a person's personality. Human personality is very complex and it is very difficult to grade individuals according to a person's personality. Leadership, on the other hand, depends on the biological structure of the personality which includes experience, skills, responsibility, intelligence, power of organizing people and social interaction. Leadership is a compulsory activity, which every leader taps in to direct people, work under them. It is the leader's ability to motivate subordinates to work with confidence and enthusiasm. In other words, "Leadership is the process by which a leader imaginatively directs, guides and influences the work of others and mediates between such individuals and organizations to achieve such goals and Which both will achieve maximum satisfaction.

Leadership Training | Leadership Meaning | Article | 1300 words

Mental Strength

Some people have the misconception that only those who are physically strong can become good leaders, but this is not the fact. A leader may not be physically strong but he must be mentally strong and firm in making decisions. For example, Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation was the greatest leader, but he was active and had a strong desire to serve the nation. He had the power to organize his speeches and to unite and draw people towards him. This is the best quality of the leader he had. We can also say that a person who can fulfil the basic mental needs of his followers can also become an effective leader.

Leadership is a quality that cannot be attained by another person from a fellow person but can be achieved by a person's self-determination. Leadership can best be called a personality of the highest calibre - be it ruling, thinking, imagination, innovation, warring, or religious affect.

Leadership Classification

Leaders can be classified according to their work. For example, those who are related to politics are political leaders, those who are related to the officer or army profession are the leaders of their respective fields. Leadership is, in fact, a political leader and equally important quality required in the military and police officers as the future and security of the county is in their hands, so they must use their power properly and always pay attention so that any enemy within the home or from outside the country can harm or harm the nation.

Intelligent and Promptness

The most important quality that a leader must possess is intelligence and vigilance. A leader has to use his brain every time and be careful with eyes and ears otherwise he can be easily picked up by any fraud or enemy. Many times we see situations around us, where a person is hesitant to blame and embarrass his closest friend to save himself in trouble or problem, and also worry about his friends Does not because that person has to get rid of their problems anyhow, he only thinks about himself and his life, in other's life. More no matter what almost all of us have one or more close friends, so leaders should not always remember to rely on your close friends, because this can cause problems for them.

In times of war, an army officer who takes his soldiers to apply his brain every other day has to be attentive while advancing. A police officer should always be alert while he is working because his duty is to control crime and provide security to the people. The political leader of a county needs to be the most intelligent as the protection of only a few people, but the entire nation depends on it in one way or the other. Therefore, we can say that intelligence and vigilance are indispensable qualities of a leader. For example, Winston Churchill, the greatest leader of his time, could win World War II by applying his brain and vigilance.

Leadership Training | Leadership Meaning | Article | 1300 words

Action-oriented approach

Other qualities of a leader include fairness, action-oriented attitude and a positive attitude. A good leader should always be fair to all his followers, as he becomes partial, he is no longer a leader because he loses the confidence of others. The duty of a leader is to encourage and raise the standard of all his followers, not some of them, and he should always remember his duty.

In addition, a leader needs to be action-oriented. A leader cannot do everything by himself, so he needs the help of others for all his creative pursuits. A leader must be effective enough for himself and everyone to walk the right path through his words. Creative work should be encouraged so that all people in this country can become aware of their rights as well as duties and help them. Interpretation provides that in our country the development of the country, the Constitution has given us the right to choose a beggar or president leader everyone through which the rights of democracy.

Everyone wants their leaders to be effective, intelligent, proactive and action-oriented who can encourage the public and do the work necessary for their people and region. Some of the greatest action-oriented leaders were Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Indira Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, who encouraged the public through their speeches and encouraged people to work for their county and Thus they were successful. Of course, in recording their name forever in history, they are now dead but are present in the hearts and minds of the people of their countries and are still remembered with respect.

Optimistic Perspective

A leader must also be optimistic, with a positive attitude. He should not think negatively or make a plan showing a negative attitude. A person who thinks or plans that his negative attitude is visible, never a leader. A leader must always be courageous. He must have the courage to face troubles or problems and to blame others and solve problems in place of embarrassment. When faced with problems or problems in their lives, the cowards try to blame and embarrass others, who can never succeed in their life. Such a person would remain in the same place where they were initially standing. To gain height and achieve anything, one must be out of intimacy, jealousy and be innovative, courageous, action-oriented and optimistic. A good leader has all his qualities.

The qualities of a good leader to pursue are the three theories of leadership and these are: 
(a) trait theory 
(b) behaviour theory and 
(c) position theory 
first approach (trait theory) leadership as a combination of personality traits The age-old tradition of these studies of leadership is looking for groups of traits, characteristics, or other kinds of individual differences, that are important to their followers. Among the leaders are watching or who distinguish ineffective people, effective leaders. A good leader, as more often found, is a good teacher rather than owning his followers or group members - a good leader always helps through experiences that bring a mind and motive.

The Conclusion

Finally, a good leader must be loyal to his group members and activities. This, in turn, will create an atmosphere of assurance among followers. Those who believe in their own abilities and the world around them / its leader are motivated and inspire others in the process.

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