Why the world's natural resources are depleting? | Human Errors? | Article

Why the world's natural resources are depleting? | Human Errors? | Article

Why the world's natural resources are depleting? | Human Errors? | Article


    Where do natural resources go that are freely available in nature such as electric, magnetic and gravitational forces, sunlight, air, water, minerals, soil, oil, trees, vegetation and even without human intervention? There are so many natural resources on earth that we can see and feel around us.

    Depletion of Natural Resources

    There are two types of resources available here - renewable and non-renewable. Renewable resources are those resources which are replaced from time to time and hence, they can be used again and again such as water, wind and sunlight etc. While non-renewable resources are limited, they cannot be replaced or even if they are, the process of substitution in them works very slowly. Rapid consumption of any natural resource ends it before it is replaced.

    Some of the major reasons for the depletion of natural resources are:

    Population growth -

    Population growth is the main reason for the depletion of natural resources. Simply put, the more people that live on earth, the more people will consume those resources. Sooner or later, resources are being consumed even faster. In our pursuit of convenience and comfort, we have heavily exploited the many resources available, the most ideal example of which is water. However, 70 per cent of the Earth is covered in water. We have exploited these natural resources so much that today they are highly contaminated and they are no longer suitable for human consumption.

    Deforestation - 

    Trees are one of the most abundant natural resources available among us. They perform various functions such as absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen and collecting soil and even affecting rainfall. We cut down the trees of the forests to get wood, due to which the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and global temperature increases and it also affects the climate pattern and rainfall. In addition, the soil that coalesced with the roots of these trees also separates it. It eventually turns vast forests into deserts.

    Use of fossil fuels- 

    Fossil fuels such as coal and oil, which are formed by dead animals and plants after experiencing heavy pressures and temperatures under the earth for many years. Since the Industrial Revolution, these fuels have been essential for every aspect of our lives. The unfortunate thing is that it takes hundreds of thousands of years to get formed, this is the reason that they are not easily renewable, despite this, we are consuming them fast. Due to rapid population growth, the demand for these natural resources has also increased immensely, while its supply has decreased.

    Pollution - 

    Some toxic substances are also found in the environment that cause permanent or temporary harmful effects on the environment. Pollution affects air, water and land, it is considered one of the most dangerous reasons for resource scarcity as it attacks the basic resources which are essential for our lives. Most pollution in the modern era is due to direct or indirect consequences of human activities. Poisonous chemicals from factories and cars affect water and air. All these activities contaminate resources and make them more harmful.

    The Conclusion

    These are some of the major reasons for the lack of natural resources of our planet. The natural resources on our planet are limited and that is why we should use these resources properly and avoid getting destroyed.

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