Necessity is the cause of Invention | Essay on Invention

Necessity is the cause of Invention | Essay on Invention

Necessity is the cause of Invention | Essay on Invention


    'Necessity is the mother of the indicator' This is a world-famous saying known by every child. Its example is not technical. Instead, it is much easier and simpler to explain its meaning with some simple explanations that make this saying highly influential.


    The saying 'need is the mother of the recipient' means that when we are in great need of something and if we cannot live or live without that specific thing then we find ways to fulfil that need. Huh. As a result of which new things are indicated. If someone is hungry, he goes cooking to satisfy hunger, so hunger is needed and one needs to eat. There are many other examples that explain the meaning of this famous saying. Is actually the result of the need for the most popular and profitable things in the world, which makes the recipients restless and ready to receive the product. Some such great inventors are the radio, television, motor, mobile, aeroplane etc.

    The recipient and the need are co-related and the person does nothing until the requirements are created. Everything we use in our daily lives is the result of the need or necessity of life and it is the will of man to fulfil that need. It shows that the recipient of luxury items like air conditioners, cars etc. has been made to meet special requirements.

    Necessity also makes us patient and talented. If we look at history, especially in the primitive era, when mankind had nothing to live for, then people indicated clothes, food, houses etc. and thus began the civilization.

    Some recipients not only make our lives comfortable but are also liveable like power indicators. Imagining life without light. We should thank Thomas Edison, whose desire to remove the darkness around us gave us light and benefited the whole world.

    But some recipients are also destructive like bombs, bombs, weapons etc. Although these stars are receivers for their own safety or for the security of the nation, they are very dangerous and there is always a fear of loss. It is important that one's own need not cause destruction for another.

    Requirements and shareware are positively inter-related and motivate people to take action. Man earns money, which forces them to find a job, which gives them money which they can use to meet all kinds of needs for food, clothes, house etc.

    The requirement not only forces people to point to the houses of existence, but it also motivates people to work title wise to get promotion and better status in their profession. The desire to achieve success in professional life or trying to be better than other motivates people and thus they acquire new ways to win a mutual competition.

    The Conclusion

    Do nothing destructive to fulfil the need and achieve success in life and harm others. The idiom or proverb is taught to people to increase positivity from childhood and in the proverb also we should tell the right meaning instead of wrong.

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