Money can't buy happiness | Article

Money can't buy happiness | Article

Money can't buy happiness | Article


Happiness and honesty are some of the human qualities that we cannot value. As stated the best thing in life is freedom and there are some things in life where currency has no value - like friends, family and good memories.

True happiness is priceless

Some of the precious assets, which are necessary for happiness but cannot be purchased, are mentioned below:

  1.     An honest opinion from the person who loves you
  2.     True friends who help you
  3.     Family you can trust
  4.     True love
  5.     Humor and laughter
  6.     Positive attitude
  7.     Do good deeds
  8.     The first time someone tells you "I love you"
  9.     Spending quality time with your loved ones
  10.     Someone who listens carefully to you
  11.     The love of your children, family and other important people
  12.     To get someone excited

Happiness and other things can't  be bought with money

Obviously money cannot buy happiness; What else is there that money cannot buy?


Money can buy attraction, power and lust but it cannot buy love. Love is an emotion that can only be felt and experienced. It is intimate, heartwarming and mysterious.


Money may be able to buy authority but the truthfulness is the most powerful aspect money can't buy. Sometimes funds end up covering beliefs or agendas and can also be used to conduct improper studies to strengthen opinions. Sometimes people are able to hide the truth with the help of money but not for long. In the end it does not matter how much money is spent to make a false truth because it will be revealed.


The time you spend will never be returned. Every minute spent will never return. Despite such scientific and medical progress, there is no way that we can change the time or extend the duration of our life. No amount of money can change the time back, so we should live our life to the fullest, work hard and enjoy what we have.


It has also been observed that the richer a person is, the less peace of mind. Money cannot buy you peace. Many have spent untold amounts of time to establish inner peace and such a vast amount of money can never come close to what we can define as peaceful. Peace does not depend on your bank statement. It depends on how you train your mind and set your expectations.


Money can definitely help to grow and develop talent within you but you will not be able to buy talent or skills. To develop skills or talents other than innate talent, one needs enthusiasm to know and acquire knowledge. All this cannot be purchased with any amount.

These are all essential components of happiness!

The Conclusion

"Money has never made a man happy and neither will he. There is nothing in his nature to produce happiness". Happiness is nothing but a precious and priceless asset that can be bought with money. It is definitely more valuable than anything you get.

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