Write an article on internet | Impacts of the internet on the human race

Write an article on internet | Impacts of the internet on the human race

Essay on the impacts of the internet on the human race


    The Internet is a medium that connects us with the whole world. Nowadays people use mail (Gmail) to send the messages. We can send calls, messages and documents on WhatsApp. Online video is also a unique medium through which we get much information.

    Internet leaving its impacts:

    Students study through online tuition. One does not have to go to the teacher, and one gets information and education through the internet. Nowadays, people read the news on the internet on mobile phones before reading the newspaper. Children play interactive games through the Internet. Through the Internet, younger generations can find jobs in any province of the world.

    If you want to buy something, then we can do online shopping from home. Anything you can ask on Google. Your every wish can be fulfilled, for example, if someone wants to find a bride or groom, the Internet can help, there is just a click delay. Everything, tickets, bank services, etc. are available on the Internet for any journey.

    The arrival of the Internet has brought a positive change in the world. This is a technology that can make every small and difficult problem easy. The internet has touched our lives easily. Without it our life becomes like deserted. The Internet has made our life easier by becoming a sea of ​​knowledge.

    Social awareness is spread through the Internet. If we type any name on the Internet, we get all the information about it. We can study any subject through the Internet.

    Teachers can distribute knowledge to us remotely through the Internet. Lakhs of students study through the Internet. Watching simple informative videos makes them easy to study. The light of a lamp like the Internet has spread from house to house today. Through the internet, businessmen are now doing business like online sales and are earning a lot of profits.

    Everything from food orders to clothes can be purchased through the Internet / Google. All the necessary services are available on the Internet. Internet connection has become very cheap and now it has reached villages too.

    Through the internet, we can listen and watch any serial, movie and song sitting at home. Through Facebook, Twitter, we can connect with people from any corner of the world. Videoconferencing has become extremely easy through the Internet nowadays. We cannot even think of our life without the internet. Today mankind has made amazing progress in all fields of science. Any information related to space is available to us in a pinch with the help of internet. The Internet has opened new doors of growth for all countries. All aspects of life, big or small, are informed about caste. Through the Internet, we can talk to our family members sitting far away through video calls and can exchange messages.

    In this difficult phase of lock-down all over the world, sitting at home through the internet, we can do countless tasks like office, bank work, teaching students etc. The internet is appreciated as much as it is appreciated. Connecting to the Internet requires certain things like monitor, keyboard, mouse, modem, software, browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla), then we can enter the world of the Internet. This is a common practice in modern times. Today's children are very much aware of it, nowadays children spend their entire day playing internet and games.

    But do not know why we are becoming more subject to the Internet and tame. With this excessive use of the Internet, we have stopped associating with society and are becoming victims of loneliness. Many times we get so much information from the internet that we get confused. There was no Internet in the 1990s, but life was simple. We did not have the technology, but still, we had time for family and society, which is not there today. Day by day, we are lagging behind our society.

    Nowadays, the younger generation befriends unknown people on the Internet. Friendship is not a bad thing, but we do not know correctly whether the person is true or what is his / her mind? That is why the risk of cybercrime is increasing nowadays. We should not forget that we / humans have created the Internet, not the Internet. This is to say that we always need to be vigilant in every aspect of our life.


    Internet is leading the world to progress. That is why if we use it properly and control, then we will definitely go on the path of progress. Everything has both virtues and flaws. The Internet's vision will take humans on the path of elevation in the future. Without the internet, our daily life is like a question mark. The Internet is a unique means of connecting people, society, the whole world with each other, which we have to use properly.

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