One's own rights by birth: Their Fundamental Rights | Article

One's own rights by birth: Their Fundamental Rights | Article

One's own rights by birth: Their Fundamental Rights | Article


    There are certain basic rights which are renowned as being fundamental to human existence and important to human expansion. In the absence of these rights, the existence of any man would be useless. Thus when political institutions were created, their role and responsibility were mainly focused on living people (especially minorities) with the right to equality, respect and religious freedom.

    Classification of Fundamental Rights

    Fundamental rights are classified into 6 categories. Here are:

    •     Right to equality
    •     Right to freedom
    •     Right against exploitation
    •     Right to freedom of religion
    •     Cultural and educational rights
    •     Right to take constitutional remedy

    Know briefly about these 6 fundamental rights:

    Right to equality

    This includes equality before the law which means equal protection of the law on the basis of caste, creed, colour or gender, ban on public employment, untouchability and abolition of title. It has been said that all citizens are equal before the law and there can be no discrimination of any kind with anyone. This right also states that everyone will have equal access to public places.

    In order to provide equal opportunities, there will be no reservation in the services of the government to the widows and physically challenged persons except the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes. This right was created primarily to eliminate untouchability which had been practised in India for decades.

    Right to freedom

    This includes freedom of speech, freedom of speech, freedom to form unions and allies and freedom to travel anywhere in India, freedom to live and settle in any part of India and freedom to choose a profession.

    Under this right, it is also said that any citizen of India has full right to buy, sell and maintain the property in any part of the country. People are at liberty to engage in any trade or occupation. This right also defines that a person cannot be convicted twice for the same crime and cannot be forced to stand as a witness against himself.

    Right against exploitation

    This includes a restriction against forced labour of any kind. Children under the age of 14 are not allowed to work in mines or factories where life risk is involved. According to this, no person has the right to take advantage of another person in any way. Thus human trafficking and beggars have been made legal offences and include provisions to punish those found involved. Similarly, slavery and human trafficking between women and children have been declared a crime for dishonest purposes. The minimum payment for wages is defined and no compromise is allowed in this regard.

    Right to freedom of religion

    It states that there will be complete freedom of conscience for all citizens of India. All shall have the right to freely adopt, practice and spread the religion of their choice and the Central and State Government shall not in any way obstruct any religious matters. All religions shall have the right to establish and maintain institutions for religious and charitable purposes and shall be free to manage their own affairs in relation to these.

    Cultural and educational rights

    It is one of the most important rights because education is considered as the primary right of every child. The cultural right states that every country wants to preserve its cultural heritage. According to this right, all are free to develop the culture of their choice and are free to receive any kind of education. No person shall be denied admission to any educational institution on the basis of his culture, caste or religion. All minorities have the right to set up their own educational institutions.

    Right to take constitutional remedy

    This is a very special right given to citizens. According to this right, every citizen has the power to go to court. If any of the above fundamental rights were not upheld then the court stands as a guard against the violation of these rights. In any case, if the government commits injustice to a person by force or intentionally or if a person is imprisoned for no reason or illegal act then the right to take constitutional remedy is to go to court and get justice against the government's actions Allows to do.

    The conclusion

    Fundamental rights play an important role in the lives of citizens. These rights can protect in times of complexity and difficulty and help us to be a good person.

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