Why deforestation should be Stopped? | Article on deforestation

Why deforestation should be Stopped? | Article on deforestation

Why deforestation should be Stopped? | Article on deforestation


    Permanent destruction of forests is deforestation to extend the sources of life and therefore the use of wood. Cutting a tree isn't bad, but cutting it permanently is bad. If a tree is prevented, it should be planted again at the identical or other places. Deforestation is finished for several purposes like farming, livelihood, home, furniture, roads, fuel and industrialization etc. Deforestation is resulting in very bad and rapid destruction of the environment. within the last century, the world had fallen from the forests, while at this time about 80% of the forests are cut and destroyed and even the rain forest has disappeared permanently.

    Why deforestation should be Stopped?

    The forest is required for the nice of untamed animals, humans and therefore the environment. because of deforestation, many unique species of plants and animals are permanently destroyed. The tree-cutting process is messing up the natural carbon cycle and increasing its levels within the environment day by day. additionally, to removing pollutants from the atmosphere, the forest may be a better medium for using CO2 gas from the environment and which maintains the purity of the environment. In any way, whenever the trees are destroyed or burned, they release carbon and methane which are harmful to human life. Both gases are called greenhouse gases which ultimately cause warming.

    The forest is extremely important for complete rain, medicine, pure air, removal of pollution, obtaining wood for several purposes. after we prevent trees, it messes up all the chakras and affects human life. rather than cutting trees to satisfy the requirement of paper, we must always make the habit of recycling old things the maximum amount as possible to avoid reducing new trees. Imagine a planet without water, life isn't possible. And within the same way, life without trees and forest is impossible because it's a way of rain, fresh air, animal habitat, shade, wood etc.


    Without trees, it's possible to own rain, pure air, animals, shade, wood, nor medicine in the world. Everywhere there'll be only heat, drought, flood, storm, dioxide gas, methane, other poisonous gases, and summer season, not winter. to forestall deforestation, we must take some steps together. we must always not paper and avoid unnecessary use of things like paper kitchen towel, mouth cleaning tissue etc. to scale back the requirement to chop trees, we must always consider reusing and recycling paper items. Saving the forest and trees is in our own hands and a tiny low step taken from our side can convince be an enormous step towards preventing deforestation.

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