Urbanization: A major cause of Pollution Today | Article

Urbanization: A major cause of Pollution Today | Article

Urbanization: A major cause of Pollution Today | Article


    "The problem of pollution is like a termite, which is slowly making the environment hollow."

    Our mother earth is suffocating and we are helpless. We face many challenges today and one of them is pollution. When any contaminant is added to our environment, it is called pollution.

    Pollution most pollutes our natural resources. Humans are the main culprit for pollution. Our activities have destroyed our natural resources and our natural habitat. Urbanization also plays a leading role in the major causes of pollution.

    Pollution caused by urbanization

    Air pollution:

    In urban areas, the air is always polluted with harmful substances and it is becoming dangerous to breathe day by day. The smoke emanating from automobiles, factories and power generators makes the air unhealthy. There are other factors, such as chemical delivery and other toxic gases that contaminate the air.

    Water Pollution:

    Water sources are becoming increasingly polluted in urban areas. Domestic and industrial wastes are much left in lakes and rivers. Also, a lot of garbage gets mixed in the rain and gets washed away in the water.

    Soil Pollution:

    A mixture of toxins in the soil causes soil pollution. This is very harmful for us. Because the plants, vegetation and grains that we all eat, they all grow on this soil. They are also becoming toxic due to soil pollution.

    Noise Pollution:

    Various sources of noise pollution include traffic noise, loud-speakers and other unwanted noise, which cause many health issues.

    Loud music, television, people talking on the phone, traffic and even pets bark at midnight. All these have become part of urban culture and increase noise pollution.

    Radioactive Pollution:

    Accidental leakage by nuclear power plants poses a major threat. Radioactive pollution occurs when there is a presence or storage of radioactive materials in the atmosphere or atmosphere, especially where their presence is accidental and when it poses an environmental hazard due to radioactive decay.

    The destruction caused by radioactive materials is caused by the emission of dangerous ionizing radiation (radioactive decay) such as beta or alpha particles, gamma rays, or neurons in the atmosphere.

    Thermal Pollution:

    In today's world, thermal pollution is a major threat and is mainly affected by power plants and industrial manufacturers, who use water as a coolant. Generally, this occurs when people or industries suddenly decrease or increase the temperature of natural water bodies, which may include lakes, rivers, oceans, or ponds.

    The Conclusion

    Various means of pollution in urban areas can give rise to many health issues in people living in cities. We have manipulated nature for our pleasure, which we humans have to bear the brunt of, and will have to bear.

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