Water Conservation | Today one of the biggest concern to mankind | Article

Water Conservation | Today one of the biggest concern to mankind | Article

Water Conservation | Today one of the biggest concern to mankind | Article


    Water is life, we've got been taking note of all this and are saying, but who believes? it's necessary to avoid wasting one drop of water today. If we don't save water today, then for every drop of it, our future generation will constantly keep the water level down. Where about 20 years ago, water coming from a depth of 40 feet has now gone 90 to 100 feet.

    Stop Water Waste: 

    We have to stop water wastage. You know, water is there, tomorrow is water, we need it today and for this, we have to first stop its waste, some places in our country have open taps, water is used more for cleaning without any reason. If there is a tap running in a public place, then no one considers it a responsibility to turn it off, first of all, if everyone starts to understand their responsibility, without running the tap, working, washing, bathing, etc. Useless material, then give water savings can substantially reduce as far as we break our own because many times we wasting water flying in sweltering heat at the same sky bird thirst for your needs.
    Water conservation and storage for saving water

    Water is the basis of life, if we have to save it, then it has to be conserved. The availability of water is decreasing, and the epidemic is increasing, so the solution to this water crisis is needed today, and it becomes the responsibility of every human being to save it, it becomes our national responsibility and we are likewise from the international community We expect responsibility because the source of water is limited, in such a way we can combat the water crisis by keeping the water sources safe. For this, we will have to curb our indulgent tendencies and become frugal for the use of water and we will have to deal with this problem by removing this mismanagement of water.
    Water-saving in agriculture is needed today

    If we say there will be no agriculture, what will we eat? But if you take care of water in it too, you can save water.

    (1) According to each crop, water should be determined accordingly. Irrigation should be planned for irrigation purposes.
    Low water consumption technologies such as compactor and drip irrigation should be encouraged.

    (2) Research should be encouraged for low water consumption and high yielding seeds for various crops.

    (3) As far as possible such food products should be used in which less water is used. Reducing unnecessary waste of food is also necessary, so the use of water that is increased in its production goes in vain, so its need can be met today by stopping the waste of water in these fertilizers.

    Why should we save water?

    Why should we save water? For this, we have to understand the importance of water, first of all, man can live without other things in his life, but he cannot live without oxygen and water and food, water is the most important of these three valuable things. We have 71% water on our earth, but we all know that only 2% water is worth drinking, and this paan is being used by one billion people every day, it is also estimated that by 2025 water scarcity is 3 Billion people will suffer so if we save water, then tomorrow and today this problem can be solved. For this, we have to make water safe from today itself and prevent it from going waste.
    Cleanliness of water is also the need of water today

    (1) Many millions of people are dying every year from diseases due to water pollution, this water will have to be prevented from getting contaminated so that that water can be used in today's need.

    (2) 13 litres of water is wasted in making a page of a newspaper, then imagine how much water is going on in the whole world.

    (3) In our country every 15 seconds, a child is dying of the waterborne disease.

    So imagine how much damage is caused by this contaminated water, how many diseases and water can be saved if the water is prevented from getting contaminated.
    Saving water is needed today

    (1) First of all, we must swear that we will save water and stop its waste.

    (2) If all the people on the whole earth will save some water, then a lot of water can be saved.

    (3) By conserving rainwater, it can be used in other daily work such as washing clothes, watering in the garden, bathing can also be used.

    (4) If we use a bucket for bathing instead of the shower while bathing, then we can save 100 to 200 litres of water daily.

    (5) Use the tap to close it tightly. Due to falling water, a lot of water is wasted.

    (6) Plant most trees in the rainy month so that the plants can get water naturally and the trees prevent the plant from cutting.

    (7) We should also understand the social duty so that we can stop the waste of water, wherever we see the tap running, whether it is a railway station, bus stop or any public place, we can save the water and wastewater loss because if If we did not understand the need to solve this problem today, then tomorrow we will have to suffer heavy loss.


    Thus water provides life on earth for us and other beings, water is a gift given to us by humans and other beings. Without this, you cannot even imagine life on any planet other than Earth, so saving water is needed today, water is life, life is tomorrow and today.

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