The Most prominent Problem With Water Conservation, And How You Can Fix It

The Most prominent Problem With Water Conservation, And How You Can Fix It

The Most prominent Problem With Water Conservation, And How You Can Fix It

What is water? How it is important to us?
What is water conservation?
What are the water conservation methods?

If you have these kinds of questions then tighten up your seats because the way your questions are going to be answered your mind will be blown.

Problems concerned due to less freshwater availability 

Three-fourths of the Earth is surrounded by water. But despite this much water, a very small percentage of it is worth using. 97 per cent of this three-fourths of water is salty which is not usable by humans. Only 3 per cent of water is worth using. Of this 3 per cent, 2 per cent is in the form of ice and glacier on the earth and the remaining one per cent is worth drinking. Gradually it is also decreasing by 3 per cent. The effect of this decreasing water level is also being studied on the environment. Nature is not doing all this on its own. Humans are fully responsible for this. Man is destroying and contaminating this precious wealth for his partial benefit. If this remains so, man will also be craving water for his essential works.

We know that there are many countries in the world which are prone to drought, that is, where there is no rain or where there is a lack of rivers and such places yearn for water. People have to arrange water for themselves by going many miles away. In many places, this priceless gift of nature is purchased and used. Many people die due to lack of it or due to serious diseases caused by contaminated water. Lack of water in rivers, decrease in groundwater level, decreasing number of trees and plants, decrease in agricultural production, etc. These are some of such side effects that if you think about the future, then you will tremble. Knowing all this, we use water carelessly, without thinking that if we do not take precautions, then this situation will be ours too.

The Most prominent Problem With Water Conservation, And How You Can Fix It

Water conservation methods

Although some institutes are working on water conservation, but this much effort is not enough. This is a global problem, so people of the whole world will have to cooperate together and only then this invaluable wealth can be saved. For this, we have to start from our home. We have to save the flowing water by dripping it into our house. Instead of sitting under the fountain or directly under the tap, use the bucket and mug. Use fountains instead of pipes when watering the garden of the house. Plant more and more trees so that there is no shortage of rain. If possible, plant the plants in the rainy season so that they get natural water to the plant. Efforts should be made to plant such plants in the house which can also live in less water. The government will have to formulate such a policy that the water coming out of industrial units should not be found in the rivers and streams. There should be some good system of its disposal so that dangerous chemicals do not get contaminated in the potable water. Concrete steps should also be taken on the pressure of increasing population on the earth. Small units to collect rainwater and make it usable should be encouraged so that rainwater does not go waste.


If we take care of all these things and make children habit of it, then surely nature and life developing on the earth and the earth will be happy. Otherwise, if we don't take some serious steps now then that time is no far away from now when we will crave for fresh drinking water and riots will be common due to water. The day will come soon when the water will be more expensive than gold.

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