Vehicles: Major cause of Air Pollution | Air Pollution and its Dark Side

Vehicles: Major cause of Air Pollution | Air Pollution and its Dark Side

Vehicles: Major cause of Air Pollution | Air Pollution and its Dark Side


    Vehicle pollution is damaging our environment in many ways. This situation is even more worrying in metro cities. Small children have to go to school wearing masks. This is not a good sign at all.

    Due to frequent cutting of trees, such results are also being suffered. Trees absorb carbon through their self-healing process. Due to the reduced number of trees, the ratio of carbon and oxygen in the atmosphere has deteriorated. Carbon is not being absorbed, but carbon is continuously being released into the atmosphere through vehicles, and other means. This situation is also a danger bell for human existence.

    Effects of vehicle pollution

    (i) Global warming

    The emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere causes the ozone layer to decay and causes global warming. Global warming is a concern for many major world governments and significant efforts have been made to reduce it. Due to the depletion of the ozone layer, the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays can reach the lower surface of the Earth and harm humans and other organisms on the planet.

    (ii) Poor Air Quality

    There are many countries where air quality is so poor that people wear masks to reduce the number of harmful substances. It is a matter of great sadness that you have to walk all day with a mask, which is not comfortable, there is also a possibility of health complications. In countries where the number of older vehicles is high, this problem usually occurs. This is the reason why many governments have also banned the import of older vehicles for a few years.

    (iii) Effect on health

    These pollutants can cause lung infections and cancer (cancer). As we know, hydrocarbons are not at all good for human health. They can increase heart disease, asthma, damage the central nervous system, and difficulty breathing. Fuel leakage can also affect the health of plants and marine life. When these are left uncontrolled, these health conditions can lead to death.

    (iv) Mist and Acid rain

    Nitrogen oxide contributes to the formation of highly corrosive haze that causes corrosion of vehicles. When nitrogen oxide dissolves in rain, acid rain occurs. Water derived from this type of rain cannot be considered suitable for human, plant or animal consumption.


    It has often been said that we have only one Earth and we must do everything to protect it. Vehicle transport is one of the leading causes of air pollution worldwide. The good thing is that a lot can be done if people actually try unitedly about it. It begins with personal responsibility in creating a clean planet. When people change their mindset and become more active, a lot of good things can be achieved. In the same way, vehicle pollution can also be reduced and managed.

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