How ugly Global warming can become | The Ugly | The Worse | Essay

How ugly Global warming can become | The Ugly | The Worse | Essay

How ugly Global warming can become | The Ugly | The Worse | Essay


There are various factors of global warming, some of which are natural and some are man-made factors, one of the most prominent factors in increasing global warming is the greenhouse gas which is generated by certain natural processes and human actions. In the twentieth century, greenhouse gas levels have increased due to population growth, excessive use of energy. The increasing demand for industrialization in the modern world to meet almost every need, leading to the release of various types of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The amount of carbon dioxide CO2 and sulfur dioxide SO2 has increased tenfold in recent years. Various natural, industrial activities, including photosynthesis and oxidation, all increase the amount of carbon dioxide. Other greenhouse gases are the result of anaerobic decomposition of organic materials such as methane, nitrogen oxides (nitrous oxide), halocarbons, chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs), chlorine and bromine compounds. Some greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and disturb the equilibrium of the atmosphere. They have the ability to absorb hot radiation and therefore increase the temperature on the Earth's surface.

How ugly Global warming can become | The Ugly | The Worse | Essay

Effects of global warming

The effects of global warming can be clearly seen by increasing the sources of global warming. According to the US Geological Survey, there were 150 glaciers on Montana Glacier National Park, but due to global warming, there are currently only 25 glaciers left. At high levels, storms become more dangerous, powerful, and stronger, with climate change and energy from temperature (colder on the upper surface of the atmosphere and warming of the tropical ocean). 2012 has been recorded as the warmest year since 1885 and 2003 is seen as the warmest year with 2013.

As a result of global warming in the climate, rising summer season, decreasing cold weather, melting of ice rocks, temperature rise, change in air circulation pattern, rain without rain, the ozone layer, heavy storm There are many effects of the event, cyclone, drought, flood and so on.

The solution to global warming

Many programs are being run and implemented by government agencies, business heads, private sector, NGOs etc. to reduce global warming. Some of the damage caused by global warming is some damage (melting of ice rocks) that cannot be recaptured through any solution. Whatever it is, we should not stop and everyone should try better to reduce the effects of global warming. We should reduce greenhouse gas emissions and try to adopt some of the climate changes that have been happening in the atmosphere for years.

How ugly Global warming can become | The Ugly | The Worse | Essay

The conclusion

Measures to reduce global warming, we should use clean energy such as solar energy, wind energy and geothermal energy instead of electricity. Coal, oil-burning levels should be reduced, transportation and use of electric equipment should be less. This will reduce the level of global warming to a great extent.

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