Mobile Phone Addiction | Essay | 500 words

Mobile Phone Addiction


Knowing that this notification is of no importance to us, it is an addiction to not be able to live without looking at the mobile, while getting the notification of an advertisement, while being engaged in special work. During an important function, to think whether someone has received a call or not is a mobile addiction. There is no doubt that mobile has become an integral part of our life, the person sees the mobile-first after waking up, but the addiction of any material, object or person always has fatal consequences.

Just as every coin has two aspects, so are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones and they have a profound impact on our lives.

Benefits of mobile phones

Mobile phones are the best medium of communication because of their value. It is available in the market from low price to very high price.
Through the Internet in a mobile phone, a person can get any important information.
Mobile is a great means of entertainment, which lightens people's mood.
Through mobile, we can ask the customers of their loved ones how far they are, they can stay connected with them.
Apart from this, we can order food from home, we can do special work like ticket booking, shopping, mobile banking.

Mobile phone loss

There are many applications in mobile so that people can keep talking to friends for the whole day, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram etc. Because of this, children do not spend time in studies, elders do not focus on their work.
Excessive use of mobile phones can lead to many diseases like weak eyes, headaches, hearing loss, stress, sleeplessness etc. Our ability to remember is diminishing as everything is easily found in mobile.
The person who is addicted to mobile, after waking up in the morning, first checks the mobile, uses the mobile until it becomes sleepy, and after sleeping, keeps his head and sleeps. Of course, more important than this tool are the people in your life, they should be valued.
Time is misused by the addiction of mobile, not sleeping from time, not getting up from time has a profound effect on our life. Today many types of games are available to children in mobile, as a result, children are getting cut off from the games played outside.
People sometimes become very absorbed in mobile, due to which they become a victim of a big accident or a big accident happens in front of them.


Set a fixed time for mobile usage and talk with friends. Three hours in a day is enough to use mobile, so do not overdo it.
Instead of using mobile, spend time in outdoor games, interesting work and with friends and family.
You can get help from your elders to get rid of mobile addiction.
Trying to discipline yourself this will help.

The conclusion

Mobile has both advantages and disadvantages. It makes our work easy when used correctly but in mobile addiction, instead of using the mobile, the mobile starts using the person. Therefore, we should not get addicted to mobile.

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