E- waste How to recycle | Essay

E- waste How to recycle | Essay

E- waste How to recycle | Essay

E-Waste How to recycle? is a big question for today's time e-waste recycling is a tedious task as well complex in nature. Electronic revolution has made our life full of comforts. Along with expanding the communication system through various electronic inventions and encouraging business activities, employment opportunities are also large.

The manufacture of electronic devices such as computers, refrigerators, air conditioners, cellular phones, washing machines, cameras, etc. has given a new dimension to human civilization, but today the increasing number of malfunctioning items of these electronic goods has created a new environmental as e-waste. Has given rise to the problem.

If the amount of e-waste increases in the same manner day by day, it will have adverse effects on the environment as well as human health in the coming time. E-waste refers to idle electronic devices that are no longer suitable for their own use purpose. E-waste is also known as e-waste.

Due to the presence of a large amount of heavy metals and other polluted materials, electronic devices lying idle as e-waste are far more harmful to human health and environment than other waste household appliances.

Most of the ingredients used in electronic goods do not have the characteristic of being biodegradable and neither have the property of being mixed with soil. Electronic crystals have metal, plastic and refracted oxides, respectively, on a 40: 30: 30 basis.

Electronic devices may consist of many chemical elements and compounds. For example, a cellular phone can have more than 40 elements. E-waste mainly consists of metals like iron, zinc, aluminum, lead, tin, silver, gold, arsenic, gilt, chromium, cadmium, mercury, indium, salinium, vanadium, ruthenium.

Developing countries lag far behind developed countries in the production of e-waste, but they also have no special effect on developing countries being held liable for e-waste. Conversely, due to high economic and environmental costs of recycling, a nation like the United States sends its e-waste to the developing countries in one way or the other.

Not only this, a large number of repaired cottages are also sold by the US to developing countries at a lower price. According to an estimate based on research, in a decade, 130 million desktop computers and 900 million laptops in India will be converted into e-waste, which will not be easy to dispose of.

It is noteworthy that e-waste is not biodegradable and the mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic and plastic present in it are very dangerous for the health of the animals. There are 16 companies for disposal of e-waste in India, with a total disposal capacity of 66 thousand metric tons, but only 10% of the total waste in the country is disposed of by these companies.

Often, protocols are also not followed by the companies in the unorganized sector during disposal of waste - resulting in continuous deterioration. Computer generated e-waste constitutes about 33% of the total e-waste in our country. They should be recycled only through proper guidelines.

According to recent research, more than one thousand million computers are required to be recycled by the year 2025. Disposal of e-waste costs significantly less in other Asian countries including India than in Western countries. Due to this reason, 50% to 80% of the e-waste deposited by the US for recycling is sent to Asian countries.

Disposal of e-waste in India is often done in informal recycling centers where they are separated for reuse or manual breaking. Then after opting for valuable metals and cleaning them, they go through the process of destroying them in an inefficient and toxic product system.

It is noteworthy that e-waste trade was banned by the Supreme Court in the year 1997, but it is still being imported in large quantities secretly at the hands of junkers. The concept of Green PC should be emphasized to reduce the problem of e-waste and avoid its side effects.

Such produced computers will reduce power consumption, as well as they will not do much harm to the environment. Environmentally friendly non-toxic items are used in the manufacturing components of Green PC. Attention should be paid to the manufacture of computers whose components can be recycled.

There is a need to enact stringent laws to reduce e-waste in the country. A law should be made that companies are forced to take idle electronic devices, but the awareness of the government as well as consumers is very important. If both the government and the public become aware, then surely the problem of e-waste will be rid of in future.

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