Paragraph on "Good Manners and the Society" in 220 words

Paragraph on "Good Manners and the Society" in 220 words

Good Manners

Civilized people are respected in the society. Home or outside, people, who know how to act and behave with others are loved and wanted everywhere. These qualities of action and behavior are called manners. These are learnt and acquired only in the society of others. They do not come with birth. The manners are first of all learned in family. These reflect your background, your character, education and the parentage. These manners are required everywhere for a successful life. They are the quality of an educated person. People with good manners are good citizens of a nation. Manners vary from society to society and nation. Good behavior, courtesy, politeness and civic sense, are almost the same everywhere.  Good manners cost us nothing. But they bring a lot to us. Giving due respect to others, obeying our parents, teachers and elders, offering a seat or a chair to the visitor, helping others in need, are all signs of good manners. They are necessary for living a simple life. Truth helps in bringing you respect. Respect besets respect. As you do, so shall be done to you. Good manners are the ornaments of the society. They make the society worth living. We must try to spread the fragrance of good manners in the whole society to make it living and cheerful.

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