Essay on contribution of students in Nation Building | Students and their Contribution

Essay on the contribution of students in nation-building

Essay on contribution of students in Nation Building

Who is a Student?

Vidyarthi means - Vidya and Arthi mean one who is interested in learning or acquiring knowledge. It is the student's religion and duty to learn.


It is not only the religion and duty of learning, but it is also the religion and duty of the student to use this knowledge for society and nation. A student's life is a sacred ritual and a life of civilization. He burns the light of divine rites within him during this period. These rituals inspire him to be duty-bound towards religion, society and nation. Inspired by these, the student dedicates and emits his life. In this way, by getting the development of the divine rites, the student keeps making his or her contribution towards society and the nation.

The contribution of the student towards the nation is very large and wide. They can make the nation advanced and prosper through their contribution. A student can contribute towards the nation only when he enters this field by making his loyalty, superior and great. The field of karma of the students towards the nation is very amazing and unique because even after taking education, they can contribute more and more towards the interest of society and the nation. It is a bizarre idea to think about how a student can move forward with both education and political aspects. Because the relation between education and politics is different and opposite. Therefore, the contribution of the student towards his society and nation and sustaining it is a very difficult and difficult task. Then a social thinker and a nationalist student can contribute some of the other even while studying. If such a student shows his / her ability to do so, then surely he/she can be a great nation-righteous, regulator of the nation and a national hero.

Students make a very divine and unique contribution toward their nation and society. Therefore, students should carry out their education completely to contribute to their nation. For this, they should be aware of their purpose.

Only by earning his special achievements in the field of education, a student can be duty-bound towards the nation and society. The student should fulfil his responsibilities towards the nation and society only by memorizing an ideal and a lesson of dedication well, otherwise, it will neither be here nor there. Only a conscious student can be responsible to the nation and society, while an unconscious student is a traitor to the nation. In order to give a uniform to the nation and society, the ideal student can move towards nation building only by adopting the biography of great national heroes and great personalities of the nation. Therefore, the contribution of the student towards nation building is absolutely great and high.

Essay on contribution of students in Nation Building


A student who contributes to the nation should not only recite Netagiri or waxed sentences, but he should also have experience of all kinds of work in a different way. To protect the religion and culture of our nation and a student who is friendly, it can be strong and able to contribute towards the nation only by dying on its pride.

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