Essay on condition of women in India

Essay on condition of women in India

After the independence of India, the condition of women has improved significantly. Women are now getting equal rights as men. Women can now freely do all the work they previously felt unable to do. In the constitution of India after independence, women have been given all the benefits, rights, freedom to work which only men used to enjoy. In spite of bad treatment with them over the years, women today are constantly working to make their family, society and the future of the country brighter by finding themselves free from social shackles.

Half of our country's population is represented by women. This means that half of the progress of the country depends on women who are women and half on the shoulders of men. We cannot even guess at the time when half this population could not get even the basic rights for which they are entitled. He did not even have the freedom to live his life happily. But with the changing times, this new age woman has acquired a place in the society that anyone will be surprised to see. Today women are successful social reformers, entrepreneurs, bureaucrats, diplomats etc.

Improvement in the status of women has also changed the meaning of economic and social reform of the country. The situation of women in our country is much better than other developing countries. Although we cannot say that the situation of women has changed completely, there has been a lot of progress in this field than before. In today's competitive era, women are more conscious of their rights than before. Women are now very much aware of their professional life (social, political, economic) so that they can easily afford the expenses related to their family and daily routine.

Women are now doing a very good job in democracy and voting related works, which is improving the administrative system of the country. The participation of women in every field is increasing day by day. For example, we will see more women presence than men at polling booths on polling day. Indira Gandhi, Vijayalakshmi Pandit, Annie Besant, Mahadevi Verma, Sucheta Kripalani, PT Usha, Amrita Pritam, Padmaja Naidu, Kalpana Chawla, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, Mother Teresa, Subhadra Kumari Chauhan, etc. to name a few Have changed it. Today, women are offering their services in different fields such as social, political, economic, education, science and other departments in the form of daughter, mother, sister, wife. She is also carrying out her professional life as well as family responsibilities. Despite all this in improving the condition of women, we get to hear news related to their mental and physical harassment somewhere.

The Government of India has recently made significant changes in the laws related to women safety. The new Juvenile Justice (Children Care and Protection) Bill 2015 has been enacted, replacing the old Juvenile Act 2000. It is specially designed keeping in mind the Nirbhaya case. Under this law, any juvenile who is between 16 and 18 years of age and is involved in a heinous crime, then strict action can be taken against him.

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