Corona Virus[ Is Corona Virus Pandemic affecting Indian economy?]

Corona Virus[ Is Corona Virus Pandemic affecting Indian economy?]

Almost 40 thousand people have died due to corona virus in the world and about 8 lakhs or Eight hundred thousand have been infected by it. Corona's transition is also overshadowing the world's economic health. It is having a negative impact on the global economy. Its impact on the stock markets is being seen. There is a decrease in sales of cars. In such a situation, it is important to understand how the corona is having an impact on economic activity and how it is having a double negative impact on the already sluggish economy?

Investors are concerned about the corona virus. There is a big change in the stock markets. This can be seen on pension and personal savings accounts. In the last week of February, the world's major stock markets performed poorly. This is the worst since the 2008 financial crisis. European and American stock markets have risen slightly, with hopes that countries are intervening to protect the economy against the corona virus.

ForwardKeys data shows that international flights booked from China are 55.9 percent behind in 2019 compared to the same period. UK travel industry experts have raised concerns about keeping Chinese tourists at home. According to Visit Britain, there were 4,15,000 trips from China to Britain over the year to September 2019. Chinese travelers spend more than three times the average during their UK travel. The industry could be affected if large-scale programs are canceled.

Something good too happened

Consumer goods giant Reckitt Benckiser has seen a surge in sales of Dettol and Lysol. Along with this, the rise in gold prices has also been observed. Gold has always been considered the safest in times of uncertainty. Investors see this as fears of the Corona virus spreading outside China will further dampen demand with the global economy.

Factories hit slowdown

China manufactures one-third of industrial manufacturing globally and is the world's largest exporter. However, in China, the workshop of the world, the Corona virus has reduced the speed of factories.

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