Article on the topic "If I were the Principal of A School" in 360 words

Article on the topic: If I were the Principal of A School in 360 words

If I Were The Principal of A School

Office of a principal is an important post in school. A principal is expected to run the school, of course with the help of his staff. He has to take decision quickly and create an atmosphere that will let the teachers and students grow.

I cannot aspire to be one. However, if something like that happens in fairy tales were to work its magic and give me an opportunity to be the principal of my school, it will be wonderful. I will then implement the schemes I have cherished all years.

I would have a water tap installed in each class room so that the students do not run about for drinking water. It would also end up queues over water coolers.

If I Were The Principal of A School, I would re-introduce corporal punishment. Spare the rod and spoil the child applies very correctly to our schools. Boys have developed careless habits. They write a bad hand and come to school in soiled dress. It is fear of the rod that will set matters right. In short, I shall insist on strict discipline in my school. 

I would encourage a lot of sports and extra-curricular activities like drama, music, painting, creative writing, clay modelling, photography, horse riding, swimming, dancing, etc. This would keep the students interested in coming to school and they would enjoy their long hours of stay in school. When there are so many interesting activities for the students, they remain happy and their mind is able to absorb the lessons from the most difficult subjects with greater case.

Promoting a greater degree of personal interaction between the students and teachers, thus creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom, is a must these days. Teachers would be friends with the students and this could help to eradicate any fear that the students may have in their mind with regard to their teacher. This again would improve the working and learning atmosphere in the school.
As a principal I would do my best to lead my school towards honours in academics, sports, social and cultural activities.

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